Archive for the Category » sports «

Fanvid: Game On

bironic brings us sports fandoms!

bironic is an amazing vidder, but this video blew me away when I saw it for the first time in a vid show. So many sports movies are represented and the story it tells using them of a game with preparation, near defeat, and a comeback win is outstanding. I think I’ve watched this a dozen times now.

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Top Ten: Fandom Office Items

Being let go from my job allowed me to bring home the fannish items I had been keeping in my office. They are now merged back into my overall collection. Here’s a list of ten of those items. Welcome home, little ones! I missed you!

10 Fandom Items From My Office

1. Hawkeye FUNKO POP- My favorite Avenger was a wonderful present from a friend. I have an older series Hawkeye POP, and I didn’t want him to face an identity crisis seeing his Endgame Part 2 self, so I took him to work to guard my computer.

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Top Ten: Fandoms I Don’t Fangirl

At a recent con, someone saw my multi-fandom fangirl badge label and asked me what I fangirl. I find it impossible to answer that question; there are just too many fandoms! Instead, I find it easier to answer the question a friend asked me after a Harry Potter meetup a few months ago: what aren’t you into? Sorry if some (or all) of these are your favorite.

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Category: movies, sports, top ten, tv show  Tags:  2 Comments

Wildcard Wednesday: Quidditch

On Saturday, I hauled my equipment over to Great Falls, VA, and taught about 20 kids how to play muggle Quidditch. The rules are pretty hard to get across, but (luckily) many were Harry Potter fans. So once they got the hang of it, they had a lot of fun.


I’m available to hire out for parties 😉

12 Days of Fandom Ornaments: #6

My Christmas tree is a mix of ornaments from my childhood and ones from later on in my life. Many of them are related to my favorite fandoms, naturally. I thought I would showcase one every other day in December in a 12 Days of Fandom Ornaments series.

Day 6: Let’s Go Caps


Yes, I’m a fan of hockey! So here’s one for my favorite team that I got from my parents years ago when they had a different team logo.