Sometimes, being a fangirl isn’t easy.
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My local meetup group held a fanwork rec meetup where we all brought our favorite fanfic, fanart, fanvids, wizard rock, and more. Here’s what my group came up with with links wherever possible.
The Harry Potter Alliance has a new campaign up and running right now called FAN WORKS ARE FAIR USE. It seems to be a way to promote creativity inspired by tv/book/movie/game canon and the benefits that fanworks provide. And the idea is to promote their classification as fair use.
“We believe that fan works provide tremendous value to the people who create and enjoy them.”
“We believe that fan works add value to the source materials on which they’re based. “
As a fanfiction writer, I like the idea in general. But it’s a tough gray line to walk when you’re dealing with characters that were originally created by other writers and artists.
“Fan Works Are Fair Use is a community of fan creators, readers, artists, and enthusiasts who are committed to the protection and preservation of fair use law. We also seek to eliminate negative stigmas about fanfiction, fan art, and other fan creations and legitimize such works in the eyes of mainstream media.”
I’m interested to see where it goes from here.
One of my coworkers sent me this story this week: The Poet Laureate of Fan Fiction. As usual, I’m always the last to hear interesting news.
“I hope readers find meaning in my work. Even if that meaning slides away from my intention.”
In this case, it’s the story of poetry used to inspire Wincest and Johnlock fanfic. Now, I believe in my fellow slashers’ ability to read slash into anything, because I do the same thing. There’s a Byron poem or two that I’m convinced tell the story of Remus/Sirius pretty damn well. But this is the first time I’ve ever read about a poet not only acknowledging this interpretation but apparently having fun with it. Richard Siken has some things to say about it.
“So how do we respect an original work while we aggregate around it?”
I really enjoy seeing literary discussions of fanfiction, but those discussions never seem to discuss slashfic. So I found this discussion especially fascinating. There’s a lot in here that makes you think about the nature of fanfic, which I think is lovely and healthy, even if I don’t agree with all of it.
“I think my poems enact a space for complicated, multivalent relationships. I think that’s the draw.”
In general, this article just made me happy… and a little sad that this was the first I’d heard of it! Clearly I write too much in my own little communities and don’t venture out enough. And, clearly, I’ve got some poetry that I need to read soon. So far, I especially like “Road Music.”
“I read somewhere that “Siken ships harder than the entire fandom,” so I decided to ship intentionally.”
And maybe I have some more slash fanfic to write in my future? What am I saying? Of course I do.
The year is half over, so I thought it time to evaluate my fanfiction writing progress. I didn’t participate in the annual Harry Potter challenge in May that I’ve done for ten years now, which is sad. But I’m running my own fest in the spring now and it’s been quite pleasant not to have to worry about both at the same time.
Okay, not really a top ten… just a selection of ten favorites from my button/pin collection (which I keep in an old shortbread tin shaped like a kilt that sits on the pass-through from my kitchen to living room/dining area… which is possibly not where most people keep their collections of buttons/pins, now that I think about it). Note to self: do more top ten lists this way.
Here are some of my New Year’s resolutions that relate to fandoms.
Ten Fannish New Year’s Resolutions:
- Get caught up on Supernatural
- Get caught up on Doctor Who
- Finish reading the Star Wars Jedi Apprentice series
- Watch Veronica Mars
- Watch the Gilmore Girls
- Finish writing my Marvel universe hurt/comfort Big Bang fic
- Organize the display case shelves in my living room
- Finish archiving all my fics at AO3
- Post regularly with fandom craft posts (every other Thursday?)
- Keep up with monthly swaps in all my fandom swap-bot groups
Let’s see where I am with these goals this time next year!
Addendum: If you’ve got suggestions for a top ten list you’d like me to write, feel free to post ’em!
This was, possibly, my easiest year doing NaNoWriMo. I struggled last year to make my word count, but last year I was playing by the rules and this year I did NaNoRebel again–so much more pleasant and enjoyable!
I really only wrote during 16 days or so this year. And some of those days I only wrote somewhere between a dozen and a thousand words. If you look at my bar chart, you can see my daily progress, or lack thereof. Much different from last year’s, when one of my goals was to write at least 500 words every single day.
During the handful of write-ins I attended on various Fridays and Mondays, I got several thousand words written. But my big accomplishments were on Sundays. I didn’t do much of anything but stay in my PJs and write every Sunday in November, so you can see the huge leaps in word count on those days. Then I didn’t write much during the following week. Those were big writing days, where I did a lot of work, but it really feels to me like I managed to get through November only writing for a few days in total and hitting 50,000 words naturally, without much effort at all.
During the final week of November, I worked on:
- BBC Sherlock fanfiction- finished the story I started earlier in the month. It turned out pretty good, I think.
- YA Paranormal Novel- I started a difficult moment in the story and it’s stalled a little bit. But I’m still feeling good about how much I got written in this novel and I look forward to continuing to work on it next year.
- Marvel Big Bang Fanfic- I got past the 15,000 word mark on it and came up with a bunch of great scenes. I’m still not feeling it as a full story yet, but I’m getting closer. I think I need to take all the scenes, put them on index cards, and figure out what needs to be filled in to make it a complete story.
Congrats to all the other winners out there and everyone who even attempted NaNoWriMo. It’s still more words written than you had when you started!
Everyone’s putting together serious lists of gratitude lately, in honor of Thanksgiving. This has always been my least favorite holiday, miles below holidays like Skyscraper Day and Opposite Day and National Beheading Day (wait, there’s actually a National Beheading Day on September 2? What’s that about and can I at least pretend it has something to do with Highlander?). Anyway, I decided my first top ten list on this blog should be of a somewhat less serious nature…
Top Ten Fandomy Things I’m Thankful For
- Podcasts I Don’t Listen To- podcasts that stop downloading automatically in iTunes when I can’t keep up with them
- TeeMagnet- one-stop shop for my daily t-shirt addiction, for which my bank account is less grateful than I am
- LEGO Fandom Licenses- it was the LEGO Harry Potter sets that brought me out of the dark ages. The DC, Star Wars, Marvel, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Lord of the Rings ones have kept me there
- Things that Shouldn’t Exist on YouTube- but totally do. I’ve spent countless hours watching old TV shows from my childhood that amazing people have put on YouTube so aren’t lost to time and old formats
- Slash Fiction- taking my love of buddy-buddy moments just that one awesome step further; also, it’s a great SPN episode
- Netflix Streaming- to obsessively binge-watch television shows I had no idea I wanted to watch until I started them… and then I can’t stop watching
- Comment Fic Memes- don’t know who thought this up, but it’s the best idea ever to have a sea of irresistible plot bunnies and no pressure to write anything long or involved–pure fun
- Wizard Rock Concerts- there’s nothing like singing along and dancing with tons of fellow fans to creative songs about one of your favorite fandoms
- Pound Puppies- hey, it was my first real fandom; I even wrote fanfic for it more than a decade before I even knew the term “fanfiction”
- Fandom Friends- once upon a time, I dreamed of having friends who I could talk to about my favorite TV shows. Then along came the internet and groups. Wish granted!
Ah, week three. This is when my energy falls and I start slacking off. Luckily, I’m more ahead than I’ve ever been, I think, so I can afford a little time off. I’m still really just finding the time to write at write-ins and on Sundays. And somehow that’s been enough to power me to great heights. Who’d have thought I’d be able to get a more than decent word count just writing heavily one day of the week and well two other days of the week? Not this girl!
This week I had write-ins on Monday, Friday, and Monday again at my local Panera. They’ve discontinued the only food there that I can eat, so I’m a little worried about next Monday’s write in. Maybe I’ll just eat a plain bread bowl? I had a few people join me each time, which was really nice. And on Sunday I participated in an online write-in through swap-bot. I won one of the word wars and I won a few prizes as well. I met my goal of hitting 33,000 words during the write-in and I got through an extremely tense passage in my YA novel.
This week I worked on:
- Marvel Big Bang Fanfic- I got to 10,000 words! My goal is 15,000, so I’m two-thirds of the way there and feeling great about that. I’m jumping around in scenes, writing the easy ones first, I guess. And I’m still not totally confident in the overall plot. But I guess time will tell for that. I might have a beta for it, so that’s a relief!
- Supernatural Fanfic- I wasn’t really planning on this, but one of my favorite communities had a weekly theme and I got a prompt during the online write-in that was just too perfect for it. So I wrote the story, practically in one sitting. I was pretty happy with it, too. 🙂 Sometimes it’s just impossible to resist those boys.
- Paranormal YA Novel- I got through the aforementioned extremely tense passage and I think it actually went pretty well. I read the first chapter of the novel at Writers’ Roundtable this week and people seemed to dig it. And I got some good constructive suggestions. I spent about an hour last night watching disturbing YouTube videos that relate to some things my main character is suffering through in the very near future scenes in the novel. I still don’t know if I’ll be able to write it realistically, but now I have a better idea of maybe how to approach it.
- Prompt- a Writers’ Roundtable, we had prompts that were pictures. I went in a very dark direction with the piece I wrote. I actually typed it up when I got home and I think it turned out well. It’s just a little piece of 178 words, but I like it.
I also volunteered to betaread for the volunteer coordinator at one of my libraries who is not only doing NaNoWriMo but seems to be me (she writes SPN hurt/comfort too). So that’s pretty darn neat! It’s nice having more people to talk SPN with and the idea she has for her story/universe sounds fantastic. I look forward to reading it, whenever she decides it’s worth sending my way.