Tag-Archive for » ncis «

Actor Identification

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! That moment when you’re marathoning Poirot episodes and suddenly realize that Archie Kennedy, Apollo Adama, and Jake Malloy are all the same actor. OMG MY MIND IS BLOWN

It was the glasses, with Jake. I didn’t recognize him with the glasses.

A poor excuse. But OMG! I feel so silly for not realizing this earlier.

Top Ten Tuesday: Fandoms Written

KeepCalmWriteFanfictionThe year is half over, so I thought it time to evaluate my fanfiction writing progress. I didn’t participate in the annual Harry Potter challenge in May that I’ve done for ten years now, which is sad. But I’m running my own fest in the spring now and it’s been quite pleasant not to have to worry about both at the same time.

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Top Ten: Characters I Sort Into Hufflepuff

hufflepuff_crestPeople who know me know I like to sort people I meet into Hogwarts Houses. I can’t do it with all people, but some people give off pretty strong indicators. I do the same thing with fictional characters.

I thought it would be fun to come up with 10 characters I sort into particular houses. And, as I’m a Hufflepuff, I thought I’d start with my favorite house. I thus give you ten characters I usually sort into Hufflepuff:

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Top Ten: Fandoms I’m Behind On

Sometimes things happen that make me put shows I love on hold. This could happen due to my DVR eating episodes and I don’t realize it until I try to start watching, or because I just lose interest. I fully intend to get back to all of these one day.

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Fandom Spotlight Day 10: NCIS

For the month of April, I’m breaking out of my usual “format” and showcasing one of my favorite fandoms a day, so I will have shiny things to make me smile every day of my birthday month. When I sat down to write the list of my top 30 fandoms, I found the task terribly hard. How do I choose just 30? My apologies to all my beloved fandoms left off the list. I’m using random.org to determine what fandom gets what day.



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Top Ten(ish): Fandom Holiday Moments

Some of my favorite Christmas or holiday moments in fandom. I’m utterly indecisive (why did I think that weekly top ten lists was a good idea?). So here’s my top ten… and a couple others thrown in. I expect this post will contain possibly a spoiler or ten.

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