Top Ten Fandomy Things I’m Thankful For

TopTenTurkeyEveryone’s putting together serious lists of gratitude lately, in honor of Thanksgiving. This has always been my least favorite holiday, miles below holidays like Skyscraper Day and Opposite Day and National Beheading Day (wait, there’s actually a National Beheading Day on September 2? What’s that about and can I at least pretend it has something to do with Highlander?). Anyway, I decided my first top ten list on this blog should be of a somewhat less serious nature…

Top Ten Fandomy Things I’m Thankful For

  1. Podcasts I Don’t Listen To- podcasts that stop downloading automatically in iTunes when I can’t keep up with them
  2. TeeMagnet- one-stop shop for my daily t-shirt addiction, for which my bank account is less grateful than I am
  3. LEGO Fandom Licenses- it was the LEGO Harry Potter sets that brought me out of the dark ages. The DC, Star Wars, Marvel, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Lord of the Rings ones have kept me there
  4. Things that Shouldn’t Exist on YouTube- but totally do. I’ve spent countless hours watching old TV shows from my childhood that amazing people have put on YouTube so aren’t lost to time and old formats
  5. Slash Fiction- taking my love of buddy-buddy moments just that one awesome step further; also, it’s a great SPN episode
  6. Netflix Streaming- to obsessively binge-watch television shows I had no idea I wanted to watch until I started them… and then I can’t stop watching
  7. Comment Fic Memes- don’t know who thought this up, but it’s the best idea ever to have a sea of irresistible plot bunnies and no pressure to write anything long or involved–pure fun
  8. Wizard Rock Concerts- there’s nothing like singing along and dancing with tons of fellow fans to creative songs about one of your favorite fandoms
  9. Pound Puppies- hey, it was my first real fandom; I even wrote fanfic for it more than a decade before I even knew the term “fanfiction”
  10. Fandom Friends- once upon a time, I dreamed of having friends who I could talk to about my favorite TV shows. Then along came the internet and groups. Wish granted!
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