Archive for the Category » top ten «

Top Ten: Star Trek TNG Episodes (Part 1)

TNGcombadge In honor of Captain Picard Day next week, I thought this was the time for my favorite episodes of the show that, at an early age, threw me into the great fandom that is Star Trek.

When trying to draw up the list, I couldn’t come up with just 10. I couldn’t. And I just started rewatching the series, so now I’m not even that objective. And, so…


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Top Ten: Online Games (Part 1)

I learned (the hard way) that I have to limit my computer game play… or it consumes my life. So I tend to only play online computer games that are somewhat short, so I can walk away at any time. Except that I don’t walk away… I play for hours.


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Top Ten: Fandom Songs I Can’t Listen To in the Car

My friends IRL know that I’m a crier. I cry not just at sad movies but at their movie trailers before the sad movies are even out.

There are also some fandom songs I cannot listen to without at least tearing up. I learned the hard way that I had to uncheck these songs in iTunes at work (I’ve had coworkers walk in on me as I was bawling) and I cannot listen to them while driving (twice I’ve had to pull over to the side of the road because I was crying too hard to drive/see). But these are also songs I love so very dearly. In fact, it was easy to come up with this list in just a few minutes because some of these are among my favorite fandom songs ever written. I just… can’t listen to them while driving.

Note: There’s a MoM song that belongs on this list, but given the recent… yeah… I’m choosing to leave that song off. That’s all right. There are enough Snidget songs to make up the difference 😉

Additional Note/Warning: Massive spoilers for Harry Potter, Supernatural through season 7, His Dark Materials series, Torchwood Children of Earth, and the first Hunger Games novel/movie


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Top Ten: Marvel Knowledge Holes

marvellogothingDespite the fact that Batman is my favorite superhero, I’m definitely a Marvel girl. Marvel characters are my kind of people. Marvel stories are ones I can relate to. Marvel’s world is my world.

However, I get my Marvel where I can– various movies, comics and graphic novels I come across at used book sales or on deep discount at comic book stores, various cartoon TV show versions, various graphic novels I find at the library. Because of this, I don’t have a very good mental picture of the various Marvel universes or their timelines. Everything is all mixed up in my brain.

I know just enough to know that I don’t know very much. I have big gaps in my knowledge that sometimes cause me “oohhhh!” light bulb moments of realization when those gaps get filled in… and sometimes cause me massive amounts of confusion and guilt. I figured this might be a great source of laughter for those of you with more knowledge than me (which is practically everyone) and a way for me to come clean. Feel free to try to explain things to me. But, more helpful, would be a list of comics/episodes that would let me properly fill in the gaps. I’ve tried Wikis and they leave me with more questions than answers.


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Top Ten: Favorite Stephen King Adaptations

I’ve been on a bit of a Stephen King kick lately, between Haven and earreading a handful of his books. So I thought this was appropriate. Let me start this out with a disclaimer: I don’t like/watch horror movies.


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Top Ten: Forgotten Fandoms

Here’s a list of ten fandoms I left out of the fun during my month-long tributes. Sorry!


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Top Ten: April Fools!

TheSugarQuillonApril1I’m doing a new format for April, but I couldn’t resist April Fool’s Day. So I thought I’d share some of my favorite fandom-related April Fool’s moments. It used to be a big tradition in the Harry Potter fandom, in honor of the twins’ birthday, so the list is heavy with Harry Potter items.


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Top Ten: Buttons

Okay, not really a top ten… just a selection of ten favorites from my button/pin collection (which I keep in an old shortbread tin shaped like a kilt that sits on the pass-through from my kitchen to living room/dining area… which is possibly not where most people keep their collections of buttons/pins, now that I think about it). Note to self: do more top ten lists this way.


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Top Ten: TBW Shows (Part 2)

There’s far too much out there for me to contain into just 10. Also, I tried to not include shows that I started and haven’t managed to finish yet (like Hex, Downton Abbey), but there are a few that snuck on there that fit the category (Fringe, True Blood).


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Top Ten: TBW Shows

Lots of times, people will ask me if I’ve seen a certain show, and I usually reply that it’s on my list. And every time I do a 101 Things in 1001 Days list, I include some of the shows on my list to ensure that I’ll actually make myself watch them (which is why I’ve now finally seen Oz, Teen Wolf, and Veronica Mars). But what’s still on my list?


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