Tag-Archive for » game of thrones «

Top Ten: Fandom Creations at Brickfair (part 1)

I have more than enough to do two lists… possibly even three 🙂 Here are some of the fandom-related LEGO creations that caught my eye this year at my local LEGO convention, Brickfair VA. Clickity-click the photos for larger versions.

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Made It Monday: Chest of Dragon Eggs

I’ve made a few different sets of these dragon eggs in a wooden chest for Game of Thrones swaps and another as a present for my father (note: not a wedding present). They’re a lot of fun to make, and I can make each one unique with different types of dragons and colors of eggs.


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Top Ten: April Fools!

TheSugarQuillonApril1I’m doing a new format for April, but I couldn’t resist April Fool’s Day. So I thought I’d share some of my favorite fandom-related April Fool’s moments. It used to be a big tradition in the Harry Potter fandom, in honor of the twins’ birthday, so the list is heavy with Harry Potter items.


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