I took a bit of a hiatus as life got busy, but I do love this blog and have had a few project ideas for it during its downtime. So I have picked it up again. I have also fixed the email subscription feature, so feel free to subscribe if you want to be notified of updates.
Proposed Schedule
I’m planning to post 1-3 times a week. The 8th of every month will continue to feature a fannish license plate (I have a backlog of these with posts scheduled through 2022, though I may dip into fannish cars and bumper stickers at some point). Here’s the content I’m working on:
Made It Mondays: Featuring fandom-related crafts, ATCs, and other things I’ve created over the years
Top Ten Tuesdays: Like it says on the tin, these will be top ten lists on various fannish topics
Wildcard Wednesdays: Fandom posts that don’t fit anywhere else would find a home here
Throwback Thursday: A fannish photo or memory from my past I feel like sharing
Fanvid Fridays: I have been wanting to start a fanvid-a-day project, but recently decided that might be a bit overwhelming and too ambitious for this Hufflepuff. So, to start with, I’m going to try to post one every week for a year. I just like the idea of waking up to find a fun fanvid to watch while eating breakfast.
I may still have special segments from time to time, like I did with Christmas ornaments.
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