Last year, I put together a list of Top Ten Favorite Het Fandom Couples. And of course I wrote a list of Top Ten Harry Potter Ships I Can’t Believe I Wrote. So I thought it was about time to make a list of my favorite slash couples in Harry Potter. These are the ones I read & write most often.
Archive for the Category » top ten «
The year is half over, so I thought it time to evaluate my fanfiction writing progress. I didn’t participate in the annual Harry Potter challenge in May that I’ve done for ten years now, which is sad. But I’m running my own fest in the spring now and it’s been quite pleasant not to have to worry about both at the same time.
On Sunday, I hooked up my childhood Nintendo (yes, my original one from 1988/1989; it still works perfectly, as do all the games). I popped in Dr. Mario at once and started playing. It really took me back. Last year, I found a nice website dedicated to video game music. Without further ado… Oh, but keep in mind I pretty much had to buy my own video games and I didn’t have a lot of money as a kid; so there isn’t very much variety 😉
With the holidays approaching, I thought it was time for another themed list. Here are my fandom-related requests, most of which are not available in stores, so it’s definitely up to Santa to make some of these happen for me.
In honor of the upcoming holiday, here are some of my scariest fandom shirts. And by scary I mean not very scary at all really.
Sometimes I will pin things on my Ideas & Inspirations Pinterest board with every intention of trying my hand at that project or something similar to it at least. But every so often I come across a craft that is so amazing I could never hope to duplicate it.
I’ve written a whole lot of fanfic over the years. Here are the top ten obscure fandoms in which I’ve written fanfic. In fact, for each of these, I’ve only written one fanfic (and will never write another, in most cases)
I have the best parents and friends in the world.
My parents worked their butts off for months and now I have a beautiful new floor in my basement. This means I could finally start moving all my bookcases and books from my parents’ house to my new home library.
Three of my best friends came over this past weekend to help me catalog my enormous Mt. To Be Read and to start sorting through my books. The good news is that I now have more than 7 boxes of books I’m giving away or BookCrossing. The less good news… I have to fit the other 63 boxes of books on my bookcases somehow (and that doesn’t include a few crates of audiobooks). The only two bookcases completely done at this point are, as you might have guessed, my fandom bookcase and my graphic novel/manga bookcase.
Of course, I have many of the fandoms you might expect on my fandom bookcase: Harry Potter*, Lord of the Rings*, Buffy & Angel, Star Wars, Star Trek*, Doctor Who, etc. But here’s a list of a few fandoms you might not expect to see represented on my fandom bookcase.
* Not all of the books in these fandoms fit on the fandom bookcase and had to spill out into other bookcases such as the series bookcase or one of my TBR bookcases.
People who know me know I like to sort people I meet into Hogwarts Houses. I can’t do it with all people, but some people give off pretty strong indicators. I do the same thing with fictional characters.
I thought it would be fun to come up with 10 characters I sort into particular houses. And, as I’m a Hufflepuff, I thought I’d start with my favorite house. I thus give you ten characters I usually sort into Hufflepuff:
Sometimes things happen that make me put shows I love on hold. This could happen due to my DVR eating episodes and I don’t realize it until I try to start watching, or because I just lose interest. I fully intend to get back to all of these one day.